Phunkology 102


And we’re back with NOOB Collectors to bring another set of slaps for all you Funko Funatics out there!

Phunkology 102 features new toy collector terminologies plus another version of a localized Freddy Funko. Watch out as we come up with more of these in the future!

The packaging for this set also features an all-black print on one side of the card back so the designs pop out more on the front. Sleek!


Handpainted jeepney signs. Fun fact: the Funko HQ in the Philippines is in Everett!
Black background looking all sexy!
‘Lason’ means to get someone into the addictive hobby of toy collecting.
Na-‘hauldap’ is when you know you’ve spent a little too much on that toy haul.
‘FUNKOOO!’, says the new exclusive local Freddy Funko!


And in case you missed it, NOOB Collectors also came through with a glow-in-the-dark version of Phunkology 101’s Barong Freddy Funko!