Thank You and Welcome!

This is it!

Firstly, if you’re reading this, we’d like to thank you for witnessing this milestone for the brand. From our humble beginnings with a single t-shirt design and cutting thousands of stickers by hand, we think Diyalogo has grown a little bit bigger now.

Diyalogo is a gift that keeps on giving. It allows us to pursue our passion for design and humor, and have fun while doing it. If there’s an intersection between work and play, then this is it for us, and we’d like to think that our followers are in on the fun too.

Sticker party at Catabolic Cafe. Free stickers for everyone!

It’s been an absolute joy meeting and working with all the amazing people we’ve met along the way —

To our brand partners, thank you for seeing our potential and giving us a space to reach more people with our goods!

To clients and collaborations, thank you for trusting the D. and allowing us to create awesome material with you!

To newfound friends, whether we met through Instagram DM, in a bazaar, event, or wherever, thank you for the laughs and the friendship! We’re glad that Diyalogo has allowed us to cross paths.

To our loyal customers, thank you for patronizing the brand! It heartens us to know that we’re able connect with you guys through our merch. Seeing our stuff bring a bit of happiness to people’s lives is enough motivation for us to keep making more.

And of course, thank you to Mini-Stop fried chicken for keeping us fueled on bazaar days. Sobrang worth it.

We’re forever grateful to those who’ve shared in our journey so far. You know who you are.

Photo by Iya Forbes, taken at Satchmi Vinyl Day 2018

And now to the main attraction –

Welcome to our new home on the interwebs!

This has been brewing for the past few months and we’re just excited to see it launch officially.

We want to turn this space into a home not just for the brand but for you guys as well, by making entertaining content and keeping the site up-to-date with the latest Diyalogo news and merchandise. The new site opens up so many possibilities, and there’s a lot of new things we’d like to try out now that we have a bigger platform.

We have a lot more crazy ideas in store for you guys, so we hope you stay with us moving forward.

In the meantime, head over to the shop page. To celebrate the site’s launch, we’ve slashed the prices off EVERYTHING for a limited time only. Get your D. fix for cheap while you can!

We’ve come a long way from our hand-cutting days, but the road is far from over. On to bigger and brighter things ahead!